Maui YMCA Kids Club

The Maui Family YMCA’s Kids Club program is for children 1 year to 12 years of age that provides an interactive place for your children to play and learn under caring supervision so you can enjoy your visit to the Y and workout with peace of mind. We will watch the kids while you focus on you!

Hours of Operation

Mondays & Fridays
4:00 PM – 7:00 PM

Tuesday – Thursday
8:30 AM – 12:30 PM
4:00 PM – 7:00 PM


1 year to 12 years of age


Daily Visit: $15 per child per visit
Family & Single Parent Family Members: FREE


  • Please be aware that there is a maximum capacity to ensure the safety of staff and your children. Be sure to check with the Welcome Center before bringing your child into the Kids Club room.
  • RESERVATIONS REQUIRED: Reservations can be made completely online via the button below within 24 hours of desired time slot.

Join the Y

Find Your Passion. Find Your Purpose. Find Your Y.

Drop-Off Prep Checklist

Before you drop off…

  • My child is fully clothed
  • My child has used the bathroom
  • Make sure all snacks & drinks are packed and properly sealed

Check-in/Check-out Procedures

  • Check-in with Kids Club Attendant before settling your child in room
  • Children’s footwear must be stored in a cubby before they go onto the carpet
  • Please ensure that you have your phone on you at all times so the Attendant may reach you in case any issues arise
  • The same Adult who dropped the child off must be the one to check them out as well unless the Attendant is explicitly notified of a different person picking child up
  • Make sure all personal items are taken along with you upon departure

Food & Drink Policy

Snacks and drinks are allowed but please ensure all containers are properly marked and sealed to prevent other children from getting into them and exposing them to potential allergies.

Bathroom Policy

Please ensure your child has used the bathroom before dropping them off into the room. While our attendant is able to take them to the bathroom, please be aware that we have limited staff to watch all the children. Attendants are not allowed to change any diapers. Please keep your phone on you at all times and be prepared to come at a moment’s notice to change any diapers.

Staying on the Premises

Our Kids Club is not a licensed child care facility; therefore, a parent/guardian MUST remain inside the YMCA facility during the child’s stay. Failure to comply will result in revocation of Kids Club services.

Keeping Your Child Safe

For the safety off all children and staff involved in Kids Club, we have set up half hour transition blocks to allow you a grace period to pick up your child and staff time to properly clean the whole room before the next group comes in. We ask that you and your family please practice CDC Guidelines towards preventing transmission of diseases by regularly washing your hands and staying home if you or anyone in your family are experiencing any symptoms.

Discipline & Behavior Issues

Our goal is to develop self-discipline and respect for others. When necessary, the following age appropriate discipline will be used: We will use logical consequences and redirect children displaying inappropriate behavior. In some cases, supervised removal (time out) may be used. If a child is having excessive problems (i.e. biting, hitting, etc.) the parent/guardian will be located and the child will be removed from Kids Club. If behavioral issues continue, a child will be asked not to return for a period of time determined by the Kids Club Coordinator.

Sick Policy

Children, and/or siblings, who are sick or experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 or any other illness symptoms, should NOT be in Kids Club. If your child has any of the following COVID-19 primary symptoms, please do not bring them, or any enrolled siblings, to the program. These symptoms include:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath/difficulty breathing
  • Chills
  • Muscle pain
  • Headache
  • Sore throat
  • New loss of taste/smell

If the participant is already in Kids Club and they begin to show the symptoms noted above, we will ask the parent/guardian to come back to Kids Club for immediate pick up to take them home. The child, and any siblings of the child, must leave the Y and either quarantine for the CDC-recommended 5 days or show proof of a COVID-19 negative test.

Toy/Electronic Device Policy

We ask that no personal toys or electronic devices be dropped off with your child in order to avoid any accidental thefts or misplacement. Our Kids Club will have lots of activities scheduled to keep every child busy for the entire time they are there.


Have any questions about our Kids Club Program? Feel free to contact our Kids Club Coordinator, Amber, at [email protected].